Customer coating

Customer coating is the segment in which we have operated the longest. It is a convenient way for you to place parts of your production or post processing with us, where you can take full advantage of our expertise, whereas you are still the “owner” of the end product.

No one can be the best at everything, and the same is true of companies. To produce the kind of advanced products that today’s market demands sometimes requires a wide range of advanced technologies. We know that our customers do not always have the space, the time or the skills needed to manage every aspect of the manufacturing process. We believe that if our customers can focus on their core business and let us do the same, together we can produce products of the highest quality.

When you contacted us with your enquiry, we implement a simple needs assessment where together we look at your requirements and assess how we can best use our processes. Shortly thereafter, we develop proposals on how we by PE extrusion and/or lamination can create precisely the properties you want. At production start-up, each step of the production is already accounted for and planned. In this way, we can anticipate every step, and easily assess the costs and the time it will take until the product is ready for delivery.

The reasons why a product not manufactured from start to finish in one place may be many, but often it is due to the any or all of these three points:

  • Lack of competence
  • Lack of resources
  • Lack of time

A product today often requires so many production steps that the competences required are seldom under one roof. In addition, our customers manufacture a variety of products of large volumes at the same time, and then it’s hard to keep up with all the steps. However, usually the customer has the right contacts, purchase channels, and a desire to maintain control over as much of the process as possible.

We are happy to develop new types of products or refine existing ones together with the customer.  To help us on the way, we utilize the research and Development Department of our parent company, STAGA Sweden AB.

Read more about the synergies from our co-operation with STAGA Sweden…